Structure 764 stands on the eastern side of Group C facing into the plaza and towards Structure 766. It is the tallest building in the group and in the central location. Several hundred ceramic censer sherds and other objects were found on its floor. Based upon its form and artifacts, Structure 764 has been interpreted as a temple.
Detailed Description of Structure 764 (Pugh 2001)
Zacpeten, Structure 764, Central Stair Shrine, Facing NortheastZacpeten, Structure 764, Base L2, Column C, Facing SouthZacpeten, Structure 764, Painted Floor Surface PhotoZacpeten, Str. 764, Cache 1Zacpeten, Str. 764, Cache 2, In situZacpeten, Str. 764, Cache 2, In situ 2Zacpeten, Str. 764, Censer Sherd, Patojo ModeledZacpeten, Str. 764, West Wall, 1st and 2nd TerracesZacpeten, Str. 764, South Wall, 2nd TerraceZacpeten, Str. 764, East Wall, 1st Terrace