Jemima George celebrates the completion of her PhD from The Graduate Center, CUNY!
What’s New
Ecological History of the Maya in Lake Petén Itzá
Itza Archchaeology lectures at local museum!! On July, 9, 2024, Dr. Yuko Shiratori and Dr. Carolyn Freiwald held a conference at Museo Regional Mundo, Maya, in San Miguel, Flores, Petén. …
Congratulations to Jemima Georges!
Project member Jemima Georges is now the manager of the Science Research Mentoring Program (SRMP) at the American Museum of Natural History. Warmest congratulations on your well-deserved success!
In Case You Missed It
We are discovering more and more with each passing day on our project, but don’t forget to read up about the past discoveries of the project before we add more!
Justin Bracken awarded NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant!
Justin Bracken was awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant from the National Science Foundation. His will conduct his project, “Function of Monumental Architecture,” at the site of Muralla de Leon …
Tayasal Excavations, 2011
The memories shared by the entire crew of the Itza Archaeology Project in Tayasal, thank you everyone for your dedication to this project without which nothing would be a success. …
Jemima Georges Receives Multiple Grants
Jemima Georges has been awarded Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Short Term Fellowship, a CLACLS fellowship, and a Mellon grant to support her project, “Identifying Ancient Maya Social Inequality.” She will …
New NSF Grant
Timothy Pugh received a multi-year grant from the National Science Foundation (BCS 1734036) An Examination of the Long Term Relationship between Urban Planning and Social Control to continue his work on the urban …
Prudence Rice receives Wenner Gren Grant
Prudence Rice has received a grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation to support the excavation of an E-Group at Nixtun-Ch’ich’.
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